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Grade 2








UN Day Song

This song will be performed at the Gamelan Concert for parents in December

Magic Flute by Mozart

Let Your Light Shine

Mozart vs Salieri!




Grade 2 students were given the opportunity to experience classical music in a way that was meaningful and significant to them. Musical concepts and skills were creatively woven into the lessons so that the focus remained on imaginative fun.


Each piece was centered on sparking excitement and developing in your child an appreciation for classical music. The expectation was for every child to participate, feel successful and, most importantly, thoroughly enjoy the music. In music class we were able to take classical music from its elusive realm to one that is close to their hearts!


Here are a few examples of some of our songs/activities - ask your child to tell you about them (or sing them!!) at dinner!!:


Classical Repertoire:

The Marriage of Figaro: Mozart  (Figaro the Magical Chef)

Persian March: J. Strauss (The Pirate Sneaky Sam)


Singing Time- Think on These Things, Teaching Peace, Star Spangled Banner, Majulah Singapura, Horse Went Around, Swimming Swimming, Name Name What's Your Name 


Movement:  Turkish March (Mozart)


Dances: Longer and the Faster, Pirate Dance from the Sneaky Sam


Orff Ensembles (xylophones): Fur Elise (Beethoven)

Mariage of Figaro (drums, triangles, shakers)






Fun With Composers!

Gamelan Concerts - Coming in Decemeber!!!

An Example of a Sneaky Sam Pirate doing good!
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